Irwin, R. L. (2022). (Guest editor). Action research and arts-based research: Bring research to life. Canadian Journal of Action Research [issue dedicated to the arts and action research], 22(3), 3-8.
Sinner, A. & Irwin, R. L. (Series Editors, ongoing). Artwork Scholarship: International Perspectives in Education, Bristol, UK: Intellect.
Lasczik Cutcher, L. & Irwin, R. (Series Editors) (ongoing). Palgrave Series on Movement and Space across Education. Cham Switzerland.
Dias, B, Irwin, R. L., Sinner, A. & Ferandez, T. (Guest Editors). (2017). VIS: Revista do Programa de Pòs-Graduação em Arte (VIS Magazine: Magazine of the Postgraduate Program in Art), 16(2), July-December. ISSN- 1518-5494- ISSN (versão eletrônica) – 2447-2484. http://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/revistavis/index
Irwin, R. (Principal Editor) (2017-2019). International Journal of Education through Art, Volumes 13-16.
Irwin, R. (Principal Editor Elect) (2016). International Journal of Education through Art, Volume 12.
Irwin, R. & Sinner, A (Guest Editors). (2014). One special issue on A/r/tography and Communities of Practice. Visual Inquiry, Learning and Teaching, 3(2), pp. 87-89.
Irwin, R. & Sinner, A. (Guest Editors). (2013). Two special issues of UNESCO Observatory Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts E-journal. http://web.education.unimelb.edu.au/UNESCO/ejournal/ejournal_vol3iss1.html, http://web.education.unimelb.edu.au/UNESCO/ejournal/ejournal_vol3iss2.html
Irwin, R. & Sinner, A. (Guest Editors). (2012). Special issue dedicated to a/r/tography. Visual Arts Research, 38(2).
Irwin, R. & Fels, L. (Guest Editors). (2008). Slow Fuse: Revisiting Arts-Based Research Educational Insights, 12(2). Available: http://www.ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/publication/insights/v12n02/intro/index.html
Irwin, Rita L. (Guest Editor). (1999). Art education across Canada. Journal of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 30(1).
Irwin, Rita L. (Guest Editor). (1992). Cross-Canada discussion of art education: Reflections and prospects. Journal of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 23(1).
* For information on earlier work, please see Rita Irwin’s full CV.