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Conference Proceedings
Irwin, R. L. (2021). Foreword. In Mosavarzadeh, M. & Morimoto, K. (Eds. & Curators). Making-Place: International Postcard Exhibition. InSEA 2019 World Congress (p. 3). InSEA [
Irwin, R. L. (2020). Foreword. In Lee, N. (editor and curator). Mapping A/r/tography Exhibition Catalogue. InSEA 2019 World Congress (p. 7). InSEA.
Irwin, R. L. (2020). Mapping our A/r/tographic Paths. In Lee, N. (editor and curator). Mapping A/r/tography Exhibition Catalogue. InSEA 2019 World Congress (p. 7). InSEA.
Irwin, R. (2015). Becoming a/r/tography. In Dias, B. (Ed.). Seminar Methods Visual Images & Cultures. (e-book). Reprinted and translated with permission from Irwin, R. L. (2013). Becoming a/r/tography. Studies in Art Education. 54(3), 198-215.
Radicant art teacher education, by Irwin, Rita L., Boulton-Funke, Adrienne & LeBlanc, Natalie. In Marin Viadel, Ricardo & Roldan, Joaquin (Eds.). (Re)Presentations, Glances, Reflections in Arts-Based Research and Artistic Research, Volume One (pp. 25-46). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference (pp. 25-46). Granada, Spain: University of Granada.
A/r/tography and communities of practice, by Irwin, Rita L. & Sinner, Anita. In Marin Viadel, Ricardo & Roldan, Joaquin (Eds.). (Re)Presentations, Glances, Reflections in Arts-Based Research and Artistic Research. Volume Two (pp. 45-72). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference (pp. 45-72). Granada, Spain: University of Granada.
Art education excursions and incursions as radicant practice, by Rita L. Irwin. (2013). In M. Li & H. Long (Eds). Synthesis, Interaction, Innovation: Comparative Studies of Art Education between East and West. The 4th World Chinese Arts Education Symposium, (pp. 22-36). Beijing: People's Fine Art Publishing House.
Irwin Rita L. (2012). Turning to a/r/tography. Proceedings of KOSEA Conference: Relational art and art education: Interconnected meanings of communication and relationships through art education. Seoul, Korea. September 22, 2012 (pp. 29-44).
Irwin, Rita L. (2012). The practice of a/r/tography. In Martins, Catarina, Terrasêca, Manuela & Martins, Vitor (Eds). Á procura de renovações de estratégias e de narrativas sobre educação artística. Escritas posteriors ao encontor internacional em cabo verde. (pp. 85-92). Porto, Portugal: GESTO Cooperatives Cultural.
Irwin, Rita L. (2010). Walking as Sustaining Ourselves through Arts Education. European Regional InSEA Congress, Rovaniemi, Finland, June 21-24. Co-presenters: Rita Irwin & Carl Leggo (co-written with Valerie Triggs). See Congress website.
Irwin, Rita L. (2009). Becoming Pedagogical through a/r/tography. Motivation for innovation and creativity of youth (MICY). 2nd International Colloquium, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 14-17, 2009 (p.33).
Irwin, Rita L. (2008). Mentor’s introduction to “A Study of Dress through Artistic Inquiry” by Daniel Barney, PhD Candidate, UBC. National Art Education Association Conference, Working Papers. March 2008.
Irwin, Rita L. (2008). Mentor’s introduction to “Being at the Edge of Landscape: Sense of Place and Pedagogy” by Patti Pente, PhD Candidate, UBC. National Art Education Association Conference, Working Papers. March 2008.
Irwin, Rita L. (2007). Mentor’s introduction to Pauline Sameshima, PhD, UBC. National Art Education Association Conference, Working Papers. March 2007.
Irwin, Rita L. (2007). Studio Practice as a State of Mind: A/r/tographic Commitments as a Way of Being. Knowhow Minds Making Symposium in Reykjavik, Iceland, April 19-21.
Investigating Curriculum Integration, the Arts and Diverse Learning Environments, by R. L. Irwin, P. Gouzouasis, C. Leggo, & S. Springgay. (2006). United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Congress on Arts Education, Lisbon, Portugal. Retrieved May 29, 2011.
Beer, Ruth, Irwin, Rita L., Grauer, Kit, Gu Xiong, Bickel, Barbara & Springgay, Stephanie. (2006). Interstitial Spaces: In-Between Research and Creation; The City of Rich Gate. InSEA World Congress 2006, ‘Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Arts Education’ Congress Proceedings. Viseu, Portugal, 1-5, March, 2006.
* For information on earlier work, please see Rita Irwin’s full CV​.
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