Rita L. Irwin & Lexi Lasczik Cutcher, 2016
Artistic works, performances, designs
Paintings with Lexi Lasczik Cutcher (2016)
2015 - Performing research: Autobiography and a/r/tography. Provoking Curriculum Conference, UBC, February 20-21. Performed research with George Belliveau, Rita Irwin, Janice Valdez and Graham Lea.
2014 - Precious Moments: Performing A/r/tography. Artistry, Performance and Scholarly Inquiry. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, July 2-4. Co-presenter/performers: George Belliveau and Rita Irwin; Co-authors: Graham Lea and Janice Valdez. See: http://www.metacdn.com/r/m/vfahnolm/130p6gNw
Solo Exhibitions [juried]
2003 - Within the Forest. Gateway Theatre (and the Richmond Art Gallery). February 20 to April 1, 2003.
Group Exhibitions [juried]
2015 - Social Selfies: Constructing Community. Onsite and Online exhibition curated by Tom Anderson. William Johnston Fine Arts Gallery, Florida State University, October 10-November 15, 2015. See: http://www.socialselfieafl.com/bthe-exhibition-2b-1/#/rita-irwins-statement-technologys-place/
2010 - The Feeling of Pain in the Art of Women Artist-Educators expressed in the Medium of Digital Photos. Izidor Krsnjavi Salon, Zagreb, Croatia, Nov. 11-23.
2006 - These are made for walking. Seymour Art Gallery, North Vancouver, January 9- February 5.
2004 - Across the Nation 2: Art Educators from Canada’s Leading Universities and Colleges (juried), MacPherson Library Gallery in cooperation with Department of Curriculum and Instruction and the Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria, May 4-21.
2001 - UBC Downtown Campus, Robson Square, Grand Opening, Nov 30-Dec 2.
2001 - Looking Forward, Looking Back. 2nd Tri University and Colleges Juried Art Educator’s Exhibition, MacPherson Library Gallery, University of Victoria, Dec. 4, 2001 – January 18, 2002.
1998 - Ambrosia for the Soul. Fort Langley Museum and National Exhibition Centre. February 26 – March 22.
1997 - Canadian Post Secondary Art Educators' Exhibition. Maltwood Gallery, University of Victoria (juried). October 15-November 17.
1996 - Looking Forward, Looking Back: Tri-University and Colleges Art Exhibition. Maltwood Gallery, University of Victoria. November 5-25.
1986 - Teachers' Show, June 5-25, Bowman Arts Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta.
1995 - Graduation Show, July 25-August 15, A. Wilfrid Johns Gallery, University of Victoria, B.C.
Solo Exhibitions [non-juried]
2003 - Forest Meditations Edibles Gallery, University of British Columbia, July-August.
Group Exhibitions [non-juried]
2016 - Artwalking. An art event with “Walking the Meshwork: An interactive symposium on walking as research, teaching and arti
2015 - Periphetic Inquiry. Lexi Cutcher and Rita Irwin. Ongoing art exhibition at: http://walkinglab.org/portfolio/walking-propositions/ Stephanie Springgay, curator.
2014 - InSEA Self Portrait Exhibition, Melbourne, July 2014 with Catalogue at http://issuu.com/apecv/docs/inseaspexhibit/1 (I had one photograph).
2013 - Unpacking (Intransit). Collaborative Arts Education Projects: ConTEMP PLAce sTation Experience (In Situ: COM TEMPo no L(ug)AR, December 16, 2013. See: http://sharingsketchbooks.wordpress.com/531-2/ (Group online exhibition).
2007 - The City of Richgate. Richmond City Hall, March 15-May 31. Richmond Bus Shelters April 1 –May 31. Richmond Banners March, 2007-2008. Collaboration with Ruth Beer, Gu Xiong, Kit Grauer, Rita Irwin, Stephanie Springgay, & Barbara Bickel and our research families.
2007 - Living Treasures. Edibles Gallery, UBC Faculty of Education 50th Anniversary, March. Group show with other art education instructors past and present
2006 - Liminal Spaces. Edibles Gallery, UBC. September and October. Collaboration with Carl Leggo a poet.
2006 - Unsettling Conversations and Liminal Spaces. University of British Columbia, June. Group show with other conference participants.
2005 - The City of Richgate. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China June 17-21. Collaboration with Ruth Beer, Gu Xiong, Kit Grauer, Rita Irwin & Stephanie Springgay and our research families.
2005 - The City of Richgate. Southwest Normal University, Chongqing, China June 4-10. Collaboration with Ruth Beer, Gu Xiong, Kit Grauer, Rita Irwin & Stephanie Springgay and our research families.
1995 - Driven to it.... It's all in how you see it. AMS Gallery, UBC. Nov. 5-10.
Rita L. Irwin and Valerie Triggs (2014). Cover art (untitled) for Visual Inquiry Learning and Teaching Art, 3(1) edited by James Daichendt, Intellect Publishers.
Rita L. Irwin (2008). Cover art painting (Maple Jazz) for “A Common Countenance: Stability and Change in the Canadian Curriculum” by George Tomkins. Introduction by William F. Pinar. Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.
Rita L. Irwin (2004). Cover art painting (Daybreak) for A/r/tography: Rendering self through arts-based living inquiry. Rita L. Irwin & Alex de Cosson (Eds). Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.